Pop Culture

Alaina Yan Alaina Yan

Why Social Media is Good, Educationally

Covid. The topic discussed around the world for almost two years. It has kept everyone isolated, changing the standard way of communication: from in-person to distance. With that being said, as the value of distance communication increases, the usage of certain apps also increases. And what are those “certain” apps? Social Media.

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Alaina Yan Alaina Yan

How the flush toilet Became the Product We Know Today

While the idea of a toilet was found significant, it was not only in 1861, did Joseph Adamson make a new sanitation advancement. Through Thomas Twyford's help, Adamson created a model similar to the modern toilets in our houses today. The design had features identical to the first flush toilet but had the quality of isolating waste odors.

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Alaina Yan Alaina Yan

Is there beauty in violence?

The contrast between the peaceful drawings of his garden, or his “soft blooms” compared to the devastating consequences of the war highlight the coexistence of both beauty and violence within society. It illustrates the idea that something beautiful can quickly change into something drastically different.

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Alaina Yan Alaina Yan

Dancing With The Stars Season 33 is a disaster.

This year’s season, season 33, however, seems to revert back, away from embracing the authenticity of having a unique dance full of diverse skills and techniques and more centered around trying to find the “wow factor.” Dances are filled with impressive tricks, trying to impress the audience and judges from the start. The absence of foxtrots and paso dobles makes the season feel less about improvement and more about showing off.

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