Is there beauty in violence?

Written by: Sophia Ahmed

Monet’s Water Lillies (1897-99)

Claude Monet is celebrated as one of the best French artists, transforming French art in the nineteenth century as a whole. As a key figure in the impressionist movement, he painted multiple landscapes of Paris and the leisure activities. Although his most renowned piece is Impression, Sunrise, his piece, Water Lilies, artistically depicted his tranquil surroundings in his home in Giverny. Although the piece is astoundingly beautiful and intricate, the historical context behind Monet’s paintings illustrate the theme that violence and beauty can coexist. 

When looking at Water Lilies, viewers feel a sense of tranquility through the soft and delicate illustrations of nature. The reason for this, according to an article from Time, “Monet’s soft blooms were a direct response to the unprecedented horror of World War I” (Kelleher 1). The contrast between the peaceful drawings of his garden, or his “soft blooms” compared to the devastating consequences of the war highlight the coexistence of both beauty and violence within society. It illustrates the idea that something beautiful can quickly change into something drastically different. Furthermore, as stated from the same article from Time, “It was against this backdrop that Monet created his most famous works” (Kelleher 2). This “backdrop” Kelleher refers to is the time after World War I, where Monet reflected upon the war through his paintings. This emphasizes the idea that beauty and violence can coexist as Monet’s choice to paint peaceful and bright illustrations contrast the darkness that came after the war ended. 

The history behind Monet’s Water Lilies convey that even if violence prevails, beauty can still be found.



Kelleher, Katy. “What Monet’s Water Lilies Taught Me About Beauty and Pain.” Time, 25 April 2023, Accessed 8 November 2024.


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