About Us

Our club is focused on giving the students of our generation a voice and platform to express their opinions, while also continuing to explore their passion in writing and literature. We want to give current topics and issues a fresh, new perspective from upcoming generations. Rather than focus on bias, we aim to learn and research to best the best of our abilities and present it in elquoent, engaging writing.

Our Team

  • alaina-img

    Alaina Yan


    Alaina is a sophmore at CCA. Started the club with her sister, Alaina enjoys reading and writing in her free time. She also loves spending time with friends and playing games late into the night.

  • amanda-img

    Amana Yan


    Amanda is a junior at CCA. She is interested in the business and finance field. She enjoys listening to Country Music (Zach Bryan especially), going to the beach, and playing the investment game.

  • monica-img

    Monica Lopez


    Monica is a witty, encyclopedia of popculture. She loves watching movies, tv shows, reading books, and most of all listening to music.

  • yufei-img

    Yufei Wu


    Yufei Wu is a sophomore at CCA, she enjoys playing flute and reading in her free time.

  • ashley-img

    Ashley Hu


    Ashley Hu is a CCA sophomore with a passion for computer science and art. In her free time, she enjoys playing with her dog and working on STEM proejcts.

  • cindy-img

    Cindy Le


    Cindy is a sophomore at CCA. She enjoys reading and is interested in business and healthcare.

  • sophia-img

    Sophia Ahmed


    Sophia is a sophomore at CCA who enjoys drawing and listening to music. She enjoys hanging out with friends and reading.

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    Ruihan Huang


    Ruihan Huang is a sophomore at CCA who enjoys writing. In her free time, she likes going on walks with her dog and binging shows.

  • Emma Lu


    Emma is currently a sophomore at CCA. Outside of school she enjoys crocheting and drawing comics.

Interested? Join the team

Want to become a writer? Have some spare time? Want to be in a close-knit community with shared interests? Join! No past experience needed!